Monday, April 16, 2012

Yoga Bags full of Sacred Sleep

Inside these beautiful yoga bags are the best sleep you will ever have.....

Sacred Sleep Eucalyptus sheets are packaged in a custom-designed yoga bag

Erica and Kelly, Pinto Barn's design team,  created these bags to enclose the eucalyptus sheets

Dave, Doug, and Lee at the Pinto Barn headquarters

Sacred Sleep's line of soft and absorbent Bamboo Towels

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sacred Sleep Linens and the Palace Hotel

The Palace Hotel on F St. in Salida has recently been renovated by Vicki and Fred Klein and is set to open in mid-April. It will become a destination for those seeking elegant accommodations in the historic district of Salida, and certainly will be one of the top boutique hotels in the region.

All of the bedrooms in the Palace have been fitted with linens from Sacred Sleep, including eucalyptus sheets, eucalyptus pillows, and eucalyptus towels. The 14 rooms are all unique, and are furnished with antiques, vintage lamps and accessories, and elegant upholstered pieces.
For more information on the Palace, watch for the launching of the new website...
Contact info for the Palace can be found on their Facebook page.....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Arianna Huffington: How to Succeed? Get More Sleep...with video

 Click link to see video of this Ted Talk:

In this short talk, Arianna Huffington shares a small idea that can awaken much bigger ones: the power of a good night's sleep. Instead of bragging about our sleep deficits, she urges us to shut our eyes and see the big picture: We can sleep our way to increased productivity and happiness -- and smarter decision-making.

Ted Talks: Sleep and Circadian Rhythm with video

Click on link below to see Ted talk by Jesse Gamble, on sleep and circadian rhythms:

The far-reaching, free exchange of ideas known as TED takes on sleep and circadian rhythms in the latest streaming TEDtalk.
In the video, environmental journalist Jessa Gamble shares some things she picked up while living in the 24-hour darkness of northern Canada in the wintertime.
Gamble praises the benefits of setting an early bedtime, and waking for a couple hours in the middle of the night, before sleeping until sunrise.
The speaker's approach to sleep isn't all that different from the split sleep schedules used by astronauts and shift workers. The concept is called biphasic sleep, and research shows it can be just as effective as normal nighttime sleep

The Perils of Sleep Deprivation from CBS Sunday Morning, with video

CBS Sunday Morning-The Perils of Sleep Deprivation

The real dangers of not getting enough sleep…

Click on link to see video: 

The Perils of Sleep Deprivation  

Sleep experts tell us adults need seven to nine hours a day. But one-third of all Americans are getting LESS than that. And scientists see a dangerous downside. Unless you happen to be among the lucky few who seem perfectly cast for our frantic email/cell phone/iPad/instant messaging sleep-deprived world.
 Sleep deprivation, says new research, is the root of a lot of bad news for our bodies.It’s associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mood problems, said Dr. Nate Watson, co-director of the University of Washington Sleep Center in Seattle. He says the metabolism of sleep deprivation makes it every dieter’s nightmare: “When you sleep less, genetic factors that are associated with obesity seem to be turned on. For instance, there’s a hormone called Leptin, which is released from fat cells. That tells your body that you’re full when you’ve eaten. That hormone level goes down when you’re sleep-deprived.....

Sleeping Pills linked to Death and Cancer

A review of the recent study linking sleeping pills to higher risk of death.. This study has interesting statistics about sleeping pills and numbers of people taking them.

Sleeping Pills Linked To Death And Cancer Risk

01 Mar 2012  

According to a study published in the online journal BMJ Open, some well-known sleeping medications have an elevated risk of death, even when taken only 18 times a year, and an increased risk of death when taken in large numbers.

To determine their findings, the researchers analyzed survival rates of 10,500 volunteers who were taking sleeping pills for an average of 2.5 years during 2002-2007. The average age of the patients was 54, and they all had some kind of previous health issue. The following medicines were taken by the patients:
  • benzodiazepines (temazepam)
  • non-benzodiazepines (zolpidem, eszopiclone, zaleplon)
  • barbiturates
  • sedative antihistamines
The survival rates of the patients were compared to 23,500 patients who lived the same type of lifestyles, were the same age, same sex, and also had some type of health issues, but had been taking the sleeping pills during a different time frame.

The researchers determined, after considering how lifestyle, ethnic backgrounds, age, weight, sex, and prior cancer may affect the patients, that those taking these sleeping pills had an increased chance of dying.

The patients who took up to 18 doses a year of sleeping pills had a 3.5 times higher chance of dying than those who did not take any, and the ones who took between 18 and 132 doses had a 4 times greater chance of dying than those who did not take any sleeping pills. The patients who were taking more than 132 doses per year had 5 times greater risk of dying than people who did not take any.

The researches say the increased risk of death, mostly between patients age 18 to 55, is directly related to the number doses being taken.

Dr. Trish Goves, editor in chief at BMJ Open concludes:

"Althought the authors have not been able to prove that sleeping pills cause premature death, their analyses have ruled out a ride range of other possible causative factors. So these findings raise important concerns and questions about the safety of sedatives and sleeping pills."

According to the study, between 5-10% of adults took a sleeping pill in the 2010.

Sleeping Pills and Increased Risk of Death

There are several recent studies that link the use of sleeping pills to higher risk of  death.  
This first study is based on observational data, (and not a clinical trial), and author Dr. Lawrence E. Kline, medical director of the Viterbi Family Sleep Center says "it's still possible that other factors explain the associations".
Kline said he also says further studies are necessary,  nevertheless there is enough evidence for doctors to consider alternatives to sleeping pills when they treat their patients.

Sleeping Pills Tied To Higher Risk Of Death

29 Feb 2012 

Compared to never using sleeping pills, even using no more than 18 a year is tied to a more than threefold increased risk of death, according to researchers in the US who saw this result after controlling for every possible factor they could think of that might influence it. They also found a more than fourfold higher risk of death and a significant increase in cancer cases among regular pill users.

The findings are stark news for the growing number of people who rely on sleeping pills to get a good night's rest, especially as the results showed the link was the same for the newer, more popular sleeping pills such as zolpidem (Ambien) and temazepam (Restoril).

First author Dr Daniel F. Kripke, of the Viterbi Family Sleep Center at Scripps Health in San Diego, California, told the media:

"What our study shows is that sleeping pills are hazardous to your health and might cause death by contributing to the occurrence of cancer, heart disease and other ailments."

Kripke and colleagues write about their investigation in a paper published in the open-access online journal BMJ Open on 27 February.

Their work expands on previously published research linking higher mortality with use of sleeping pills.

However, Kripke said it is the first to show that eight of the most commonly used sleeping pills or hypnotic drugs, are linked to increased risk of death and cancer, including the popularly prescribed zolpidem (known as the brand Ambien) and temazepam (Restoril). These newer drugs were thought to be safer because their action is not as long-lasting as that of the older hypnotics.

Between 6 and 10% of adult Americans took a hypnotic drug for poor sleep in 2010.

This sector of the US pharmaceutical industry grew by 23% between 2006 and 2010, to an annual sales level of about $2 billion.

"We tried every practical strategy to make these associations go away, thinking that they could be due to use by people with more health problems, but no matter what we did the associations with higher mortality held."

But third author, Dr Lawrence E. Kline, medical director of the Viterbi Family Sleep Center, said even though they tried to take as much into account as they could, we should note that the study is based on observational data (and not a clinical trial, for example), so "it's still possible that other factors explain the associations".

"We hope our work will spur additional research in this area using information from other populations," he urged.

Kline said he also hopes the study will nevertheless prompt doctors to consider alterantives to sleeping pills when they treat their patients.

He said at the Viterbi Family Sleep Center the clinicians use cognitive therapy to help patients understand more about sleep. For example, insomnia sufferers may not need the commonly recommended eight hours sleep every night.

Teaching good sleep habits and relaxation is another possible alternative, as is taking advantage of the body's natural rhythms, which follow the rising and setting of the sun.

"Understanding how to use the circadian rhythm is a very powerful tool that doesn't require a prescription," said Kline.

Sometimes sleep disorder stems from depression and emotional problems. Kripke said in such cases, doctors should treat those underlying causes and avoid prescribing sleeping pills that could make things worse.